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The 1757 Voices Charter


Southend Youth Council has created a survey to learn what young people in Southend want from their Mental Health and Emotional Well-being support in schools. We recieved 1757 responses and collated these into a report. From this report we created The 1757 Voices Charter to create clear objectives for schools to improve the well-being of pupils.


The introduction to The 1757 Voices Charter reads:


We, the 1757 Southend students who gave our opinions in the SYC Mental Health survey, believe in better Mental Health and Emotional Well-being provision in schools for all Southend pupils. Our views on our personal Mental Health experiences, the available support services and what we think our schools could provide for us have inspired this Charter, which condenses these wishes and gives greater transparency for our aims. Based directly from our survey responses, these Charter terms specify how we feel our schools can ensure every Southend pupil be better supported with their Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in four key areas: by strengthening trust, having better promotion, increasing support and by creating a more open and safe school environment.

Click here for the full charter

Gallery From 1757 Voices Charter

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